Thursday, December 13, 2007

Multiplacation Chart 1-30

[Blood +] [Diva] or Madness Streak

Fandom: Blood +
Title: Madness Streak or
Author: moon_lolita
Beta Reader: [info] levy
Rating: G
Genre: introspective
Warnings: none Characters
: Diva
Summary: "It was at that time but I felt anger and a feeling that perhaps could be called grief."

Claimed at [info] mezzadozzinafic theme: envy

The night air was cool, almost pungent.
hummed in the park in a low voice, without making me feel, not so much compared to others but because I did not mean that no one should disturb my thoughts and to interfere with them.
Every moment, every passing day more and more I was bored not doing anything but living in the past waiting for my moment and the future that others were building for me without asking my opinion, no matter what I really wanted.
I just wanted to have fun and destroy, but Amshel did nothing but tell me to wait again and again.
I was tired of waiting for my prey, I wanted to drive it, hit, hurt and start to relieve a little at a time, everything had made her happy so far.
I wanted her to get my life to take back what I had always been denied, his family wanted to have one myself.
I wanted everything she had, whim and I finally feel alive, just like her.
enough for me that something was her or that she wished it, and want to claim it for myself.
In my mind endlessly recreating the moment, meeting her I would play with her already felt the overwhelming joy immaginadomela suffer, to see her lose all her confidence piece by piece, all his happiness, to get the full excitement and laughter imagining body pierced and my sister still.
was at that time but I felt anger and a feeling that perhaps could be called sadness.
The image of the body of my sister's lifeless that had built up before my eyes hurt me. To a moment I was touched by the thought that once you got everything, once you got everything I wanted I would feel exactly as before, empty and alone.
In my fantasy I had taken everything, including his life and I did not stay still nothing.
had again lost the game and I lost the only thing for which I had continued to live.
The excitement was extinguished immediately.
The game I enjoyed more and more I was bored and angry than before.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

M Jag Milosc Streaming

[Blood +] [Diva]

Fandom: Blood +
Title: Reflections
Author: moon_lolita
Beta Reader: [info] levy
Rating: G
Genre: introspective / fantasy
Warnings: none, it is pure imagination: p
Characters: Diva
Summary: "I propose a game, my friend - came up with a challenging and excitedly - show me your sincerity and that is what you say in truth, freed and travels to find a girl prettier than me and then run if you can find me here. "

Claimed at [info] mezzadozzinafic theme: soul

There was a mirror, right there in front of the bed.
impressive, with gilt frame.
It is said that each mirror has a soul, just like in fairy tales.

"Mirror on the wall, tell me, who is the fairest of them all '" was not vain but he loved to fix the mirror challenging.
"But it is natural - it said - are you, my Lady."
The woman laughed.
He sat on the bed, swinging his legs like a child playing with a rag doll.
"I'm going to not believe you, you know? I always respond that way. "
watched the corner of the mirror and had a mischievous smile on his lips.
"The answer is so because the truth," replied quietly devoted and the mirror. He pulled
the arms and then legs of the doll while her continued swinging.
"but you answer it just because you've never been outside this room"
continued to pull the doll's arms with force and caprice.
"Oops, broke," she said laughing watching his arm in his hand. Threw down the doll, amused.
"I propose a game, my friend - came up with a challenging and excitedly - show me your sincerity and that what you say is true, free and travels in search of a girl prettier than me and If you can find here then run from me. "
" But my lady - said the mirror - is a completely useless research, some of you more beautiful ... "
" Shut up! "- the sudden stop.
The spirit of the mirror fell silent and ceased to shine; began to travel in search of a girl that he surpassed his wife with a flourish. He was afraid a little 'lady's reaction in case of a successful company but his honesty prevented him from not satisfy that whim.
traveled from a reflection to another, crossing swamps, mirrors, rivers, lakes, anything that would reflect the image of women and girls, I saw many nobles, serves girls from the soul pure, but none of this had appeared to him most beautiful of his capricious mistress.
was about to give up when it happened by accident in the house of a woman who looked so impressive to his lady in the likeness yet failed to see the spirit in the face of a maiden purity, sweetness and a freshness that had never seen and that made it so different from the lady.
watched the girl for days and makes gestures in common with extreme simplicity, he felt a kind of envy when he saw the girl look at the fellow who sat in front while he was holding a cello, and left to vibrate the strings of the instrument that creates a sweet and sad melody, the girl smiled with joy and ease. The
was beautiful, more than anyone else.
Immediately he regretted what he had just thought up and ran away from that girl, from crimson eyes and that smile.
He returned to his reality and the whims of his wife trying fear and confusion, he kept thinking of that girl and her beauty.
"Mirror mirror on the wall, then tell me who is the fairest of them all?" Said the lady entered the room, already sure of the answer that he would have heard.
The mirror was silent, he felt fear, its safety was stumbling now that his wife was not the most beautiful in his eyes.
"I asked - he raised his voice - who is the prettiest?"
spirit took courage.
"I'm sorry my lady but now I could see the outside world and learn more about the human being with regret I must say that you are not the best."
Furious but almost excited by this news, the lady came up with arrogance to it.
"Well, where is she? - Asked slyly mixed with ferocity - bring her here. I'll have to kill her, it seems obvious, does not believe "the woman's voice betrayed a desire to mirror the cruelty that had never heard.
"I can not my wife - as the voice of the mirror was broken by terror and held back tears - I'm sorry to betray your trust but that woman must live, can not be I am responsible for her death, I just can not kill the soul so white and pure, I do not ... "
" soul you said - struck with violence and fury of the mirror - and tell me, you know what a soul? "
" The soul is the thing that makes alive, my lady, and that's what you unfortunately you did not - said the mirror - you hit, hurt and get everything you want without giving anything to those around you, and defending yourself behind the anger, hatred and your endless tantrums because they do not know how to live happy with yourself and with others, yet there it takes so little, so make you have a soul ... "The mirror
stopped talking, the hand of the woman now crossed the broken mirror and tighten up a little glow.
"And tell me, dear my mirror, perhaps this is the soul?"
The spirit was silent, overcome with grief.
"It hurts, does not it? - She went on - then you need to have a soul if it is to suffer? "
With that little voice that said, still able to utter a few words.
"Happy ... To be happy. "
The woman shook the glow in his hand even tighter.
Everything was quiet. The mirror now shone more brightly out of the frame and a red liquid dripped blood.

was not used to dream and so meno a farsi turbare o rendere di mal'umore per essi. Alzò la testa e fissò il grande specchio che aveva davanti a se.
Una bambola di pezza giaceva a terra, abbandona e con un braccio strappato.
Si alzò dal letto e si avvicinò allo specchio. Un bagliore comparve per sparire in un istante.
Diva si specchiò e nel riflesso non vide se stessa, ma il suo stesso volto con occhi rossi e un sorriso gioioso sulle labbra.
Si allontanò immediatamente da esso, in collera, lasciando dietro di se migliaia di piccoli frammenti argentati mentre usciva dalla stanza.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Sundownercraigslist Vasque

. Roberta.

Derived from the Germanic composed hroth," fame, glory, " and bertha "illustrious" and therefore means "illustrious fame, shining with glory."
The name day you can celebrate with St. Robert on September 17.

Ro. Ber. Ta.
As Lolita, three syllables, seven letters that touch the palate with delicacy and sweetness.
Ro. Ber. Ta.
I like it. It has a beautiful sound. It has the smell of relationship, engagement of antiquity, the kind of ring of gold and platinum mothers moved. Smells of adult relationship.
Ro. Ber. Ta.
It 'beautiful. Like

What Parts Of The Body Of Malaria Affect

. WTF.

Franco: Hey, show me a photo of your girlfriend, maybe like you and me to not care!
Mika ... no.
Franco, but no, quiet, I do not care about the kids to a friend .

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

After Eating Lunch I Get Hot And Red?

Ten Top Trivia Tips about Edward Elric!

  1. Wearing headphones for an hour will INCREASE the amount of Edward Elric in your ear 700 times.
  2. Edward Elric Became extinct in England in 1486!
  3. Edward Elric is the male seed of a flower blossom which has been gathered and treated by bees.
  4. The condom - originally made from Edward Elric - was invented in the early 1500s.
  5. When Edward Elric is swallowed, he will enter the blood stream within twenty minutes.
  6. The first toy product ever advertised on television was Mr Edward Elric Head!
  7. If every star in the Milky Way was a grain of salt they would fill Edward Elric!
  8. There are 336 dimples on Edward Elric.
  9. On average, women blink nearly twice as much as Edward Elric.
  10. Edward Elric can only be destroyed by intense heat, and is impermeable even to acid.
I am interested in - do tell me about

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

What Color Is Cilantro

xDD But here I really ...

Which Animal are you?


You're most like the Wolf. You're distant, cold, and detached. You find yourself around others that have the same, exact characteristics. A lot of people find it hard to understand you, but you kinda like it that way.

Personality Test Results

Click Here to Take This Quiz
Brought to you by quizzes and personality tests.

ç____ç not true!

Monday, October 29, 2007

Nasal Polyp And Deviated Septum

from school!

Just because he makes cool. I'm sponging the (also) to school from 54 mega adsl XD = CCCC =
Post semi useless to say hello. I'm leaving tomorrow and I will miss COC. But I will have my wife \u0026lt;3 \u0026lt;3 \u0026lt;3 \u0026lt;3 XD

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Love Wearing Sanitary Towels

mikael_elric @ 2007-10-14T01: 15:00

seems so strong, Luke?
Well, the thing that hurts most is the difference between appearance and essence.
Oh, it's so easy to look like strong boys. How easy it around shouting that I have a girlfriend - how simple bulla almost, almost say that only a hateful thirst for leadership.
As you can tell others to be strong, that everything will be fine.
How easy it is to rock the people close to me with whispered words that make you feel good.
's all easy when you preach.
It 's the scratching that is difficult for me - an action that simply jump feet together.
Often, in nightmares, I imagine that the circle is repeated .
I told myself that I would be gone, a kick in the balls would not let anyone removed.
But what I did?
Ten euro went into the toilet. And I rode, not so much for the ten euro, but because they had money for her.
And I can not help but hate. Why
I still can not commit. Because my mind is occupied by far (566 questions by Dr. Cock, and those spots absurd. Just to see if I'm not crazy. NO, they are not, understand it or WANT YOU STILL LIFE LONG torment?), Because Friday I got up with the hiccups and incazzatura the inability to study and the ability of these psychologists / psychiatrists to look after the day, preventing me from having a clear mind. Why do I keep skipping school days and occurs because I have too much sleep - and my promises are broken like a mirror to the ground. Seven years of bad luck, um.
And it's always the fucking circle that repeats itself.
And my weakness that bounces like a rubber ball. Bounce and comes back to me in hand.
I had to say no, fuck. How could I say no to my uncles. More
goes on the more I am wondering what I did wrong. And I hate it because I feel like a fucking emo, devil. And I would not emoizzare here, but I have not the courage to do it before others. But sooner or later I'll find it.
And 'I'm afraid. I'm afraid that letting everyone know of my uncles, they change their mind, or attitude, occheccazzo I know.
do not know, I'm shooting at random bullshit.
In truth, for now I only have so much fear that what I Ribecco the station one morning.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

How Do I Turn Off Veriface

. I live for you.

live for her, you know

The first time I met her I do not remember

but as I came in and stayed there
live for her because she makes my soul vibrate so strongly
live for her and not a burden
I live for her because now I have no other way out because she
You know I never betrayed
There was another life I live for her.

Good mesiversario second, my love.

Monday, October 8, 2007

Online Futanari Manga English

logo arcades

I created this logo for the theme of "scientific tourism" Portici

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

How To Get Past Websense

. Ugly.

E 'I feel really ... I do not know, sucks.
cry from Saturday - I did not go to school, and this time it was my father's fault but mine that I had too much sleep because I went to bed late - and yesterday was appalling. I'm stupid, I was bad with Momo, yesterday helped me in math and I was only good to start crying because I was fucking those equations, and I made stupid comments because he said that two weeks is still widespread.
Today, the task of overcoming the debt has gone obscenely chemistry, if it were not for David would have been even worse.
Thanks, although I do not ever read.
Friday that mathematics will be even worse, and will be another disappointment to give Na.
I hate to complain, I hate to write sick, I hate to see me weak. But Luke breaks so much that I start to open the door.
In truth, what I do not even know. Maybe I
that I have already broken the school, because I feel disgustingly failure. Maybe I
I broke Italian law and his fuckin slow. Maybe I
route that I have to prove that I'm crazy when I'm already two years that I do.
Maybe I have already tired. More than anything, my weakness. I do not concentrate on anything, and are good to tell me which is the fault of my problems, when some people are worse off than me and still goes on.
In fact, I do not have a clue.
Sorry. Mo
Sorry about yesterday.
Sorry Na.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Order Customized Pinnies Online

. So Here We Are.

Sing it for me I can not erase the stupid things I say You're Better Than Me

I struggle just to find a better way

So here we are Fighting and
trying to hide the scars
I'll be home tonight, take a breath and softly say goodbye
The lonely road, the one that I should to try to walk alone
I'll be home tonight take a breath and softly say goodbye

You wouldn't like me
Keep moving on until forever ends
Don't try to fight me
The beauty queen has lost her crown again

So here we are
Fighting and trying to hide the scars
I'll be home tonight, take a breath and softly say goodbye
The lonely road, the one that I, should to try to walk alone
I'll be home tonight take a breath and softly say goodbye

So why are you so eager to betray?
Pick the pieces up pick Pick up the pieces

know why are you the one That walks away? Pick up the pieces

Pick the pieces up Pick the pieces up

So Here We Are Fighting
and Trying to hide the scars
I'll be home tonight, take a breath and softly say goodbye The lonely road
, the One That I Should
to try to walk alone I'll be home tonight take a breath and softly say goodbye
Just take a breath and softly say goodbye

Sunday, September 23, 2007

South Park Online For Ipod

. I Can.

I'll make it. I'll make it. I'm going well at school, I'll be good, not sperpererò more money in food and resist the hunger, so while I'll lose a few grams and I find myself the liver as big as a cruise ship. Resist the temptation to make the cocoon and stay in bed to mourn your absence on my mattress, I will get up every day with the will to go ahead and get to end of the day just to hear you. I'll be good and I have good grades so you can be proud of me and my dad that I will reward you with money. Even all the money of the apartment will be to see you. I'll be strong, awaiting the day when I come to tell me Bologna! . I am strong, I swear.
are repetitive and boring disgracefully.
But I love you.
And I want to write so many nice things about you. And
eee e. ..
You have no idea what I like to pronounce
"My Girl"
"My girlfriend"
"The my girlfriend "

and think of you and swell with pride.
It embarrasses me when I ask you a lot.
But does the same.
This is a post a little 'half useless.
{But excites me and not having to write multiple hosts on altervista and see them instantly.
} But I wanted to write it.
I love you.
this ... and I'll link when I have to go and eat pizza XD

What Does A Kilo Of Fat Look Like

. Like the Fire.

will be insane, but it is a wise father . It is good advice when I ask quotes.

The distance is like the wind. put out the fires small and large those feeds.

And it will.
Faito Mocchan.
Faiterò with you.
AMOT è_é

Best Mattress With Scoliosis

. You're Insane.


"I told you Uncle Edward."
"Ah. What did he say?"
"Well, actually there was some evidence ..."

(...) "Oh, but now I treat her like a normal couple, so it bothers me when you close your room alone."

And he is the

"Dad ..."
" Sai Na? "
" Eh. "
" My friend. "
" Eh. "
" It is not a friend of mine ... "
" I know. "
... wtf. "
" Eh. "
'BUT tell me?"

Gonorrhea And Leg Pain

. Saints.

... Boko, Ashu, you and you are at Yaya first place. Boko in a different way, but you are all in the first place. "

Something so beautiful, so naturally outgoing, has made me think, in about an hour on the bus that would bring me to the house that I did not see for two days.
I make a list of people ( fair and objective in spite of everything) I have to thank my heart for making my life as it is.
My mother and my grandmother, that made me enter the classic.
My dad, because it made me withdraw when already the third month stand it anymore and I was enrolled in the Venturi.
Vincent even though it pains me to shamefully admit, at this point in history. If I had not known I would not have continued to do theater, and he would never have called Hicchan sister. If I had not continued to do theater that afternoon in late May I would never have gone by and I would not have felt the Iora Mocchan about Gackt and I would never have known.
The Tommy even if she was to harass me XD, and that led to 16 December two thousand and six the Boko Naruto Day, where I instead took the Mocchan and Ashu and was the day of my life.
Ririn, I {,} because despite everything he quarreled with Nari and from there it was all a slow approach. The
Mocchan , because I felt all my seems, was the first to arrive at the fact that I was in love with Na.
Nari. Why is she. Why has healed me, because it is for her that I am working at school for her I {for the first time since last year XD} spun a week of school, and so will be throughout the year, because I did Oath to go well, and have no debts. I promised that I would be good, and I'm putting up everything - time, distance, praying that the first steps in a hurry, and I ask that the second is shortened from two years hence.
I love you all.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Effects Of Kojic Acid

. Lived life.

* Emphasize the things you did in your life so far *

1.Ho offered a drink in a bar all
2.I swam with the dolphins
3.Ho climbed a mountain
4.I led a Ferrari
5th I was inside the Great Pyramid
6.Ho Hand Held a tarantula
7.Ho bathed in the nude sea
8.Ho said "I love you" believing
9.Ho hugged a tree

10.Ho done a strip tease
11.Ho done bungee jumping
12.Sono been to Paris
13th I saw a storm Marine
14.Ho spent the night awake to watch the sunrise

15.Ho seen the Northern Lights
16.Ho changed diapers for a child
17.Sono uphill walk to the top of the Tower Pisa
18.Ho growing and eating vegetables of my garden
19.Ho hit an iceberg
20.Ho slept under the stars
21.Sono been on a balloon
22.Ho seen a meteor shower
23.Mi drunk (yes, for my royalties)
24.Ho smoked grass
25.Ho watched the stars through a telescope
26.Mi the giggles came at an inopportune time
27.Ho had oral sex
28.Ho bet the horses and won
29.Mi are fake sick
30.Ho although it had invited a stranger to my house
31.Ho done battle with snowballs
32.Mi are photocopied in the office butt
33.Ho shouted with all my strength just to the sake of it
34.Ho held in her arms a lamb
35.Ho put in place long thought of an erotic fantasy
36.Ho made a romantic bath by candlelight
37.Ho took a shower with water frozen (because there was no hot water. What bad memories COC)
38.Mi started to talk to a beggar
39.Ho seen a total eclipse
40.Ho sunbathing topless
41.Sono been on a roller coaster
42.Ho made a home run
43.Ho danced like mad, not caring about the other
44.Ho spoke with an accent for an entire day
45.Ho visited the place of origin My ancestors
46.Almeno a time I felt happy with my life
47.Ho visited all the countries of
48.Amo my work in every aspect
49.Ho comforted someone who was crapped bad
50.Ho won a some lottery

51.Ho danced with strangers in foreign countries
52.Ho seen whales
53.Ho masturbated others
54.Ho stolen or damaged road signs
55.Sono was sent back on arrival in Europe in USA
56.Ho took a trip on the road touring
57.Ho fact lied to customs
59.Ho did a night walk on the beach
60.Ho done paragliding
62.Ho had been in Ireland heart broken more longer than I was in love
63.Al restaurant I sat down to eat with strangers
64.Sono been in Japan
65.Scrivo my weight
66.Ho milked a cow
67.Sistemo CDs in alphabetical order
68.Ho dreamed of being a superhero comic book
69.Ho sung in a karaoke bar
70.Sono been in bed all day
71.Ho made diving
72.Ho dreamed of being invisible
73 . I had sex with someone without wanting
74.Ho kissed in the rain
75.Ho played in the mud
76.Ho played in the rain
77.Sono been in a drive-in fact
78.Ho something to regret but without regret have made them see the Great Wall of China
80.Ho discovered that someone found my blog
81.Ho broke a window or a glass
82.Ho started a business
83.Mi are always reciprocated love
84.Ho visited ancient sites
85.Ho made a martial arts course
86.Ho heard the same song for more than 6 hours
87.Sono been married
been in a movie 89. I ruined a party
90.Ho cried watching a film
91.Ho loved someone who did not deserve
92.Sono been kissed passionately feel dizzy
93.Ho divorced
94.Ho had sex in the office
95. I had sex in an elevator
96.Mi abstained from sex (any type) for more than 10 days (ç__ç ...)
97.Ho cooked biscuits
98.Ho won a beauty contest
99.Sono was in a gondola in Venice
100. I got goose bumps (in a good way) feeling the tongue of another person
101.Ho least one tattoo
102.Ho at least one piercing
103. I went down in a canoe on the Snake River
104.Sono was in a TV studio as audience
105.Ho received flowers
106.Mi have masturbated in a public place
107.Mi got drunk not to remember anything
108.Ho had drug addiction (Na.)
109.Ho played in public
110.Sono went to play in Las Vegas
111.Ho eating shark
113.Sono recorded music was in Thailand
114.Ho bought a house
115.Sono been in a war zone was in
116.Sono Cruise
117.Ho beat my brother (my sister, is Cumpagnia)
118.Parlo more than one language are made
119.Mi bandage
120.Sono been involved in a brawl
121.Ho bad checks empty
122.Ho seen "Rocky Horror Picture Show" grew
123.Ho children
124.Di I recently bought and played with something childish
125.Ho followed the entire tour group
126.Sono was a groupie
127.Ho participated in a Spring Break
128.Ho filmed by bike in a foreign country
129.Ho discovered something important about my ancestors
130.Ho wrote to the Governor of my state
131.Ho moved and started life in another city
132. I was on the Golden Gate Bridge
133.Avrei wanted to be a show
134.Ho sang in the car for at least 20 miles
135.Ho aborted
136.Ho suffered plastic surgery
137.Sono survived a accident
138.Ho written articles for newspapers
139.Ho made diets
140.Ho piloted aircraft
141.Ho cherished animal that I fear
142.Ho had homosexual relations
143.Ho fell in love with but could not return

144.Ho aroused an animal was dismissed
146.Ho won money in a tv show
147.Mi have broken some bones
149.Ho killed animals killed humans
150. I attended a safari in Africa
151.Ho driven a motorcycle drove a tractor
153.Ho of piercings besides ears
154.Ho shot with firearms
155.Ho eating mushrooms found in the woods
156.Ho anal sex
158.Ho undergone surgery had sex on a train
159.Ho hitchhiked

160.Ho had a snake as a pet
161.Ho stayed for the whole the duration of a flight
162.Ho seen more foreign countries than U.S. states
163.Sono been on all continents
164.Ho traveled by canoe for more than two days
165.Ho made skiing
166.Ho eaten meat Kanguro
167 . I ate sushi
168.Ho fucked outdoor

169.Ho punched someone
170.Ho had a relationship lasting more than a year
171.Ho someone to change his mind on something
172.Ho changed my mind on something or someone did fire someone
174. I was afraid of dying
175.Mi are launched with parachute
176.Ho eating cockroaches or insects
177.Ho eaten fried green tomatoes
178.Ho read Homer
179.Ho stolen from the restaurant

180.Ho stolen from supermarket
181.Ho apologized
182.Sono long after she was elected class president at least once
183.Ho repaired my own computer
184.Sono DJ
185.Pianto was a full day cheating the game
187.Sono was arrested
188.Ho bigiato school
189.Mi have masturbated with another person
190.Ho bought shoes and clothes to a local market
191.Ho vomited in a public place
192.Ho sold something to a stranger
193.Ho communicated with someone without knowing their language
194.Ho stole the soap from the laundry
195.Ho wheels of a machine or swipe the body
196.Ho pissed outdoor
197.Ho belch in front of other people
198.Ho copied a class test
had sex on a first date (if you will. ..)
200.Sono fainted

AlphonseElric / / Aishiteiru, niisan \u0026lt;3 [-106] writes:
I love you so much, you know? * extends arms * Luffy if I would be even larger but CWC prevented
is something that will never change and one day we'll run together

in Holland, and got married and we have our

three children and we will not concern
and we wake up every day at the same time, and every time we love and we
back to sleep and wake up for us and we'll do it again
breakfast together, our kids will take them

to school and we love the car, so random
E dward E {LRIC Aishiteru, niichan \u0026lt;3}} {compitizzo COC writes:
front of the school children?
AlphonseElric / / Aishiteiru, niisan \u0026lt;3 [-106] writes:
.. mh, our children would be proud of us because
avran moms best in the world
E dward E {LRIC Aishiteru, niichan \u0026lt;3}} {compitizzo COC writes:
and more relaxed because it will taaaaaanto Sex \u0026lt;2
AlphonseElric / / Aishiteiru, niisan \u0026lt;3 [-106] writes:
is *.* (LL)
and then and then we'll run when

maybe even before you go Holland
I can finally give you everything I have without having to wait months

E dward E {LRIC Aishiteru, niichan \u0026lt;3}} {compitizzo COC writes:
* hugs
AlphonseElric / / Aishiteiru, niisan \u0026lt;3 [- 106] writes:
I can give myself in every way
* blink then

eee love you, and do not cry, eh CWC
E E dward {LRIC Aishiteru, niichan \u0026lt;3}} {compitizzo COC writes:
maowr COC do not cry, you're the one who always cries XD
AlphonseElric / / Aishiteiru, niisan \u0026lt;3 [-106] writes: I am because I
I love you and I want my
and she is always happy COC

How can I not love her?

Martial Arts Belt Display Rack Plans

vocals Reflections 2 - when they return ...

E' andata male... veramente male... però l'Ave Maria è andata bene quindi il resto cheè andato male è perché non lo avevo provato.
I cried so much, thank you that we were there David and Elisa (Elisa, inter alia, had dressed as a big pussy, must remember to tell him) because I was in pieces now I'm fine.

Snowboarder Hairstyles


I have never ftto vocals alone ... cmq or if I made them I did not realize to what I can not: p Anyway
are not capable, I know now: p. Anyway
in life you learn to fend for themselves too, no?
I'll make it. In the end I only sing the Ave Maria (not even the Panis is highest) ergo although it is not hot you can do, I'm sure ^ ^
After an injection of confidence, I'm going to sing at my first paid wedding : p. Bye Bye

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Hives After Hair Waxing

people still know how to amaze me ...

I really like when people are committed to please you.
I love this thing when it comes from people you are friends but in a superficial way, nothing profound but only daily contact with colleagues. It 'something that always leaves me impressed leisurely.
Today my colleague came back and was presented with the gift of the holidays ... smeplice one thing, but trivial asoclta where you can see that what I say, who understands what I do, who knows what you love and especially epr bangs make me happy. It 'something that I appreciate very much.
In practice, I got a butterfly than those made with wire and covered with the fabric transparent pantyhose. Not exactly lolita perhaps but I have the green dress with butterflies, you know why Did I told and saw it. And she just gave me something different to everyone else the same. Just like for Christmas gave me the socks with lace trim. It 's a lovely thing because it is in these small things that you notice the commitment and interest of the people.
And I wonder about these things because I, first of all, not like that. I do not have this ability, I try to always make the perfect gift without thinking that sometimes even perfection is only in having understood what that really takes a persoan. Perhaps this is a gift of Paice, having missed the mark on a person's heart with something. I do not know how to explain, I just know it's beautiful and that made me a huge consented.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Rash Similar To Malar Rash

never heal

It 's a fact and I know. And even after
insult me because it makes no sense and I know.
Hey world, I have a couple of feelings and various other things to the next I would not recreate the Big Bang, will you?
And I add ... but can you be so stupid?

Friday, September 14, 2007

How Long Does It Take For Temazepams To Work

. So Much I Love You.

There is no background music, there was that night and I can not imagine a fairly nice ones you have created, such as pre- pre-cooked foods.
The only soundtrack you were and what came out of our lips - shaking like a chicken on his first day in the world - that has lifted all my fear.
You've healed. There has never been sweeter medicine and more beautiful than you.
The kisses and caresses {Edo believe is still in shock, poor creature} and all I ask and ask that those caring so sweet and your voice. And the sighs and lip biting and the waves became gradually more and more strong and intense, and everything seemed to explode - I thought I explode.
Nothing is ever so good.
And I can not even express myself. When I am unable to talk about myself personally. I would say one and a half of things, say I love you so much to mourn over the body - I was writhing stomach, today in class, as I wrote I love you on the bench - that every thing done with you I will remain in my heart for life, which are my life - not m 'matter of looking sloppy, basically I'm a romantic man, I - eee a lot of things that we recall now I do not. I'm not good with these things. But I wanted to wish you good
mesiversario. The second in a few days \u0026lt;3
I love you. Your
nii-san * Nari

Monday, September 10, 2007

Play Tech Deck Live Skatepark


appropriates the woman of his journal and writes very random things *

not true. Someone
enthralled with the attack, with handcuffs, the threat with a whip, in short do whatever you want but let me DO NOT GO VIA ç___ç
* clings like a leech and suck away his life

* I love you. COC

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Nintendo Ds Scratch Remover


And if the first meeting ?^__-
never forget I had a blue fifa until yesterday, Kittyna knows something that I rimepita andtao of my paranoia but it's okay, I found myself well and I enjoyed.
It is, I'm really happy.
But now I'm exhausted!! But just tired!

Thursday, August 30, 2007

What Kind Of Travel Trailer Can A Ridgeline Pull

foxdesign @ 2007-08-30T16: 21:00

I used an image that I had done for the logo of Amalfi, unused, I adapted this design for the parade of Positano.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

La Fitness Sales Counselor 2010

But as they move to Como?? Back

Awaiting responses from the town of Como, I wonder ... but to move from station to station of Como (so called, right?) as caxxo do ?????
It takes a Ph.D. to figure it out and especially the internet that offers all you know, but everyone ... is unable to tell me if there is a bus or if the stations are close to Como San Giovanni and Como Lake .. and I ask myself, why? But is it possible?? What have I done wrong? If there is any
Como ... I beg him ... I think light is on what?
Now I go to bed with this head in sorrow and despair in the heart -_____-.
But I'm happy.
And Saturdays are very scared ... but there is no problem, everything will be fine no? Although it is a year (or maybe more ... the friendship is truly a strange beast-_-) that we no longer talk alone for more than 15 minutes on the phone we will have something to say, no? Let's hope so that there is no downtime ... I'm paranoid? But I would say yes.

Monday, August 27, 2007

Does Preparation H Saran Wrap Work

a surreal world for a little something

a fantasy world. IColor
beautiful and fantastic style used

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Solo Dance Costume Dress

And here I am!!
return from London a couple of days ago and returned with the new PC because the old one, I tried again, it is useless is wrong, I just hope to be able, sooner or later download all the data it contains because obviously I need it: p Let's start with
order, I loved London, I hate flying, Italians abroad are terrible just can not shut up and stay there are the bad figures, the Phantom and Les Miserables were fantastic and the Greenwich Observatory is far too high, especially if you wear heels: p.
Today reset of the afternoon to work hard for cosplay, I have a couple of skirts for the wardrobe that I got a little 'time.
are desperately looking for patterns of corsets, my old images of blood and so on ... but the old pc had its break-_-
And I sleep, but now I go to lunch ...

Sunday, July 1, 2007

What Happens During Masterbation

Refund or no refund ... this is the problem: P

Back to Bologna after being 4Cosplay yesterday in Forli.
I really enjoyed it a lot and I spent a Day in tranquility and serenity chiaccherandoe taking pictures, it's beautiful does not have the stress of the race !!!^^
Tonight I am exhausted because the train Bologna-Milan route and then had the air conditioning not breathing and I was super incattivita! But now after a shower I feel better. Now I just have to decide whether or not to make reimbursement for non-air conditioned ... so I have no idea who will come, but it is also true that it would be silly, no?
just for tonight, I give myself the honor of Cusinato. Bye bye!

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

White Blister On Gums Crest White Strips

[Blood +] [Diva] Prologue - Alive

Fandom: Blood +
Title: Prologue - Alive
Author: moon_lolita
Beta Reader: [info] levy
Rating: G
Genre: introspective
Warnings: mhm ... if you have not seen the series and want to do it ... Well wait until at least the first 25 episodes before reading
Characters: Diva
Summary: "Why did you come back," he asked in a calm voice, monotonous.
"Because we're friends, remember?" The girl said with enthusiasm.

Claimed at [info] mezzadozzinafic theme: release

From the immense villa park you could not see her if not boldly penetrating, it was a high tower and abandoned, so far as to and luxurious decoration from that place and was assured that the main palace.
In the ruined tower, covered with thorns, no one would ever think to find something alive.
Yet, from a distance, you could hear a faint and strange, unsettling sense of life. Red roses grew wild
e si estendevano infinite alla luce del sole e a mano a mano che il sole si nascondeva impaurito dietro quella fortezza trascurata esse lasciavano il posto a rose blu, di un blu brillante, ma con l’aspetto di fiori cresciuti nella luce della notte.
Dall’alto della torre una voce di donna sembrava far vibrare quelle stesse piante; sembrava che esse prendessero vita dalle note limpide e precise dell’esecutrice per poi morire con la fine del suo canto. Nessuno aveva mai osato avvicinarsi a quella torre e nessuno avrebbe immaginato che al suo interno regnasse incontrastata una regina nera, una regina plasmata nell’oscurità della notte e della morte.
Capelli lunghi e neri, occhi blu scuro, pelle candida e bianca, di chi cresce lontano from sunlight, dressed in rags, the queen felt the burden of control on the multitude of nothing and loneliness.
longed life like nothing else, the desire to free his fury ate the same walls that kept her imprisoned.
still singing queen trapped in a prison of hatred and loneliness sang his anger and his pain, his string vibrates to the rhythm of his restless mind, producing a dark and bloody melody, yet perfect.
as he was accustomed to silence, the queen heard the footsteps approaching the girl again at the foot of the tower.
"Why did you come back," he asked in a calm voice, monotonous.
"Because we're friends, remember?" Said the girl with enthusiasm.
"... friends ..." he repeated with unconscious anger the black queen.
At the sound of those words the queen felt a strange tightening in his chest, it hurt and burned, though strongly pressed to the cloth on their backs.
"Free me! - Whispered the voice strong - I want to see the sky outside these walls. "
would have done anything to not see those black stones and smelling of mildew on himself, he wanted to enjoy the sweet taste of the sun on the skin and more moisture than the cell so cold, so dark.
The beast locked in a cage for too long hours demanded freedom, a life.
"The Joel's birthday, you'll be there, I promise you will sing for us all - shooting the girl - you'll see, it will be wonderful. "
The footsteps away.
Queen sang his song, was the last time he sang for those roses and in that palace that had been his prison. Now
flames and fear surrounding the palace, surrounded by redness that the house shone a different light, dark, and the laughter of the party now left room for a song, a dark and bloody made that song with her usual perfection by the black queen.
finally free the Queen could sing for joy.
Free and alive.

Monday, June 25, 2007

Kates Playground Free Vid

moon_lolita @ 2007-06-25T13: 21:00

I am a bit 'exhausted and with the desire to fuck at levels disproportionate to be only Monday! Friday I go to
Kittyna and thank goodness because I really need to get away from my house and I just want to COSPLAYYYYY! For a change: p
Last night I made the two "details" for our cosplay on Saturday and gave me very great satisfaction, simple but effective!
Above the scene is good! Bleach musical power, Olle!!

Friday, June 15, 2007

How To Stop A Walnut Tree From Producing Walnuts

[fic] [Bleach] Will you be my bride

place for the first time on this one of my fic lj ... 100 words or so. Dedicated, and of course as it is right ^ ^, a [info] levy (:*).
The title is to be romantic but meatloaf much more mundane than you can imagine, I was just desperate and the options that I had given this was the best: p

Fandom: Bleach
Title: You'll be my bride
Author: [info] moon_lolita
Genre: Romance? But yes, I would say so ^ ^
Warnings: AU
Characters: Ishida Uryuu / Inoue Orihime
Summary: I stopped in front of photos of the brother of Orihime and prayed for him. I did that often. "Forgive me for disturbing you today ..."

I took off my shoes, walked slowly into the house of Orihime knew perfectly that now that his chaotic order.
Outside it was hot, those hot and sultry summers.
"Do you prefer the fruit juice or lemonade?" He asked.
"The lemonade, thank you." Attitude
informal, simple, everyday life.
I stopped in front of Orihime's brother's picture and prayed for him.
I did often.
"Forgive me for disturbing you today, but I needed to ask you something ... I want to ask the hand of Orihime, I promise that I will make it happy and that will protect forever."
Maybe it was silly to ask, it seemed right to do so anyway. The flame of the candle is moved slightly. I smiled.
"Thanks." Sussurai soon.
"How dare you ice?" I heard from the kitchen.
I walked to reach the other room.
"Yes, but do not overdo it as you usually do."

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Pityriasis Rosea Look A Like

And tonight I should do the pattern, right?: P

Of course not: p
Or maybe yes, if they are not inspired to fuck with anything else.
Last night my toys have continued a lot.
And I'm incredibly proud to say that in almost all married (or mean to me) with Gin ... but better than that ^________^!!!
Diviaghiamo a bit 'more, today on the train I gave birth to a lot of small white roses, how beautiful my dress will be green (if I'm going to make the pattern: p) with 5 farafalline that I could find and with all of roses and white beads, it is ^ _ ^, but it will be If I decide.
I'm going for a quick ride on the network, a small little ... I swear ... I do not lose the toys tonight, really ... and not waste my time writing words, really really.
I gave tonight. We'd better go away: p