Saturday, October 13, 2007

Love Wearing Sanitary Towels

mikael_elric @ 2007-10-14T01: 15:00

seems so strong, Luke?
Well, the thing that hurts most is the difference between appearance and essence.
Oh, it's so easy to look like strong boys. How easy it around shouting that I have a girlfriend - how simple bulla almost, almost say that only a hateful thirst for leadership.
As you can tell others to be strong, that everything will be fine.
How easy it is to rock the people close to me with whispered words that make you feel good.
's all easy when you preach.
It 's the scratching that is difficult for me - an action that simply jump feet together.
Often, in nightmares, I imagine that the circle is repeated .
I told myself that I would be gone, a kick in the balls would not let anyone removed.
But what I did?
Ten euro went into the toilet. And I rode, not so much for the ten euro, but because they had money for her.
And I can not help but hate. Why
I still can not commit. Because my mind is occupied by far (566 questions by Dr. Cock, and those spots absurd. Just to see if I'm not crazy. NO, they are not, understand it or WANT YOU STILL LIFE LONG torment?), Because Friday I got up with the hiccups and incazzatura the inability to study and the ability of these psychologists / psychiatrists to look after the day, preventing me from having a clear mind. Why do I keep skipping school days and occurs because I have too much sleep - and my promises are broken like a mirror to the ground. Seven years of bad luck, um.
And it's always the fucking circle that repeats itself.
And my weakness that bounces like a rubber ball. Bounce and comes back to me in hand.
I had to say no, fuck. How could I say no to my uncles. More
goes on the more I am wondering what I did wrong. And I hate it because I feel like a fucking emo, devil. And I would not emoizzare here, but I have not the courage to do it before others. But sooner or later I'll find it.
And 'I'm afraid. I'm afraid that letting everyone know of my uncles, they change their mind, or attitude, occheccazzo I know.
do not know, I'm shooting at random bullshit.
In truth, for now I only have so much fear that what I Ribecco the station one morning.


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