Wednesday, June 27, 2007

White Blister On Gums Crest White Strips

[Blood +] [Diva] Prologue - Alive

Fandom: Blood +
Title: Prologue - Alive
Author: moon_lolita
Beta Reader: [info] levy
Rating: G
Genre: introspective
Warnings: mhm ... if you have not seen the series and want to do it ... Well wait until at least the first 25 episodes before reading
Characters: Diva
Summary: "Why did you come back," he asked in a calm voice, monotonous.
"Because we're friends, remember?" The girl said with enthusiasm.

Claimed at [info] mezzadozzinafic theme: release

From the immense villa park you could not see her if not boldly penetrating, it was a high tower and abandoned, so far as to and luxurious decoration from that place and was assured that the main palace.
In the ruined tower, covered with thorns, no one would ever think to find something alive.
Yet, from a distance, you could hear a faint and strange, unsettling sense of life. Red roses grew wild
e si estendevano infinite alla luce del sole e a mano a mano che il sole si nascondeva impaurito dietro quella fortezza trascurata esse lasciavano il posto a rose blu, di un blu brillante, ma con l’aspetto di fiori cresciuti nella luce della notte.
Dall’alto della torre una voce di donna sembrava far vibrare quelle stesse piante; sembrava che esse prendessero vita dalle note limpide e precise dell’esecutrice per poi morire con la fine del suo canto. Nessuno aveva mai osato avvicinarsi a quella torre e nessuno avrebbe immaginato che al suo interno regnasse incontrastata una regina nera, una regina plasmata nell’oscurità della notte e della morte.
Capelli lunghi e neri, occhi blu scuro, pelle candida e bianca, di chi cresce lontano from sunlight, dressed in rags, the queen felt the burden of control on the multitude of nothing and loneliness.
longed life like nothing else, the desire to free his fury ate the same walls that kept her imprisoned.
still singing queen trapped in a prison of hatred and loneliness sang his anger and his pain, his string vibrates to the rhythm of his restless mind, producing a dark and bloody melody, yet perfect.
as he was accustomed to silence, the queen heard the footsteps approaching the girl again at the foot of the tower.
"Why did you come back," he asked in a calm voice, monotonous.
"Because we're friends, remember?" Said the girl with enthusiasm.
"... friends ..." he repeated with unconscious anger the black queen.
At the sound of those words the queen felt a strange tightening in his chest, it hurt and burned, though strongly pressed to the cloth on their backs.
"Free me! - Whispered the voice strong - I want to see the sky outside these walls. "
would have done anything to not see those black stones and smelling of mildew on himself, he wanted to enjoy the sweet taste of the sun on the skin and more moisture than the cell so cold, so dark.
The beast locked in a cage for too long hours demanded freedom, a life.
"The Joel's birthday, you'll be there, I promise you will sing for us all - shooting the girl - you'll see, it will be wonderful. "
The footsteps away.
Queen sang his song, was the last time he sang for those roses and in that palace that had been his prison. Now
flames and fear surrounding the palace, surrounded by redness that the house shone a different light, dark, and the laughter of the party now left room for a song, a dark and bloody made that song with her usual perfection by the black queen.
finally free the Queen could sing for joy.
Free and alive.


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