fiammy_fiammy @ 2010-02-14T16: 59:00
qndo I put on makeup in the morning I think of lady gaga.
look at my glitter, my stars and my beautiful long eyelashes just like the Japanese would like my sisters! But I must confine myself to soft colors and a few specks of mica because I'm going to dance!
but the best moment 'when I do, however, the first steps towards the station of $>>.; B 3 (B -Nisikoyama-and often there is' but the sun is super cold and the rhythm of my footsteps and 'taken from the playlist on the go and that' the same as the first day because he manages to make me be the one smiling when we rolled into tt the train! tt the others are just ready to kill for mounting on board! hell yeah, go ahead and kill me!
there 'another special moment while I go to the station and already notice ke and' one of my outputs that may be of the shoes of the Russian cm but it 's a bit different!
say that I went to the top of the house every morning cn advance and now I always do a little racing, but I found the most accurate and methodical person in the world and on the basis of height k and a shopping mall I Meeting I know exactly what time and sn QNT I accelerate to catch the train! scorrect and particularly the 'girl and qsta ke' laughs and always handy, but only greets me and then laugh even more! ke to laugh at me too! who knows why the handy around the world have such sympathy for me, there will be 'empathy!
well, so start each day.
except on Fridays there ke 'test week and go racing muttering ke nn c I want to go to school and ke tt hate the Japanese! Ha ha!
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