Saturday, February 16, 2008

What Is Light Soy Sauce?

[Bleach] Countdown

Fandom: Bleach
Title: Countdown
Author: I
Rating: G (I hope XD)
Genre: but what do I know XDDDD
Warnings: Oh God ... I think anyone
Characters: Ulquiorra / Grimmjow
Summary: 10 - 9 - 8 - 7-6 - 5 - 4 - 3 - 2 .... 1

dedicated to [info] kitten_21 because it's his fault and saXD
"lost at an" The theme given to me were 4 and blue, and blue is not but who cares XD

10 - time I challenged
9 - the times when I have defeated
8 - the times when I hit any clash
7 - the shots that I have touched
6 - who wore the number imprinted
5 - time I wanted to ignore his unnecessary challenges
4 - I
3 - the times when I smiled without realizing
2 - the view ...
a touch - the challenge that won


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