Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Change Morrowind From Russian To English

day penitential rites settenali Guardia Sanframondi (miscellaneous)

In the final stage of the process before the statue of the Madonna is a portable tower. It not only serves to alarm, but as a musical instrument. To the accompaniment of bells sing.

During the final stage of the procession a portable belfry is carried in front of the statue of the Madonna. It is utilised not only for signals but also as a musical instrument to accompany chanting.

In this part of the people who go before a statue of the Madonna are moving backwards.

In this part of the procession those who move before the Maddona have to constantly walk backwards.

Porters vars are changed every five minutes with applause.

The carriers of the vara are changed every five minutes and applauded.

Presumably in during rites of repentance in the Guardia Sanframondi is up to 250,000 people in the resident population of the town in 6000. It seems to me that the figure in 2010 was slightly below. Nevertheless, the streets, especially in the historic center were filled.

Allegedly, the number of those present in Guardia during the final day of the rites could reach 250,000 while the permanent population of the town is only 6,000. My impression is that in 20,109 this figure was a bit lower. Still, the streets were overcrowded, especially in the mediaevl part.

Prischeplennye banknotes presence on any religious procession in southern Italy. However, the rites of Guardia in wonder a little spoiled by commerce.

Banknotes that are pinned and put on display are present at every religious procession in south Italy. Having said that, the rites in Guardia were surprisingly little commercialised.


penitential rites settenali Guardia Sanframondi (flagellates)

Flagellants followed by a separate group directly behind battentami. As well as battenty, flagelanty quietly disappear after a meeting with Madonna in the Church of St.. Sebastian. There were quite a lot, but not hundreds. In terms of mortification, this form of repentance seemed less extreme. Legends about the origin of the penitential rites in Guarda do not contain any mention of the Flagellants. Blood in this group penitentov я не видел. 

Flagellants walk in a separate group immediately behind the battenti . Just as the latter they quietly vanish after the encounter with the Madonna at St Sebastian's church. There were a good number of them, but not hundreds. In terms of mortification this form of penance did not appear extreme. The myths of origin of the rites of penance in Guardia that I know do not include any reference to flagellation. I did not see anyone bleeding in this group of penitents.  


Moreover, in a procession marching band separately yunnyh Flagellants.

Moreover, a separate group of young flagellants marches in the procession.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Is Steam In Washer Worth It?

penitential rites settenali Guardia Sanframondi (flying)

Battenty involved only in the main procession, which takes place on Sunday. Nearly nine in the morning they gather at the church on the square of St.. Filippo, from which, after the Mass begins procession. At this stage, they are indistinguishable from Flagellants and completely anonymous. The fact of their participation in the rite of penance in theory should not even be known to members their families. Battentov Accompanying assistants - a woman with a crown of thorns on his head, and men, strangely dressed as doctors or nurse.

Battenti participate only in the main procession of the event that takes place on Sunday. They arrive at around 9.00 at the sanctuary at Piazza San Filippo, from where the procession starts once the mass is finished. At this stage the battenti are indistinguishable from flagellants and remain completely anonymous. Their participation in this rite penance should be concealed even from their families. The battenti are accompanied by assistants. These are women that would wear a crown of thorn on their head or men that are, strangely enough, dressed as doctors or nurses.  


Баттенты (в 2010--м их было several hundred) are in the process after the theatrical "mystery" district Croce. They are preceded by "mystery" that depicts St. repentance. Jerome (Girolamo) - He hits a rock on the bare chest as well as in the corresponding papers Filippo Lippi , Piero della Francesca , Lucas Cranach and Albrecht Durer . Themselves battenty hit his chest Spoon , brush with schipami of nails or wire. Just like in the renaissance iconography of Jerome battenty  созерцают распятие во время акта покаяния.

The battenti (there were several hundreds of them in 2010) appear in the procession after the mysteries organised by the Croce quarter. Their are preceded by scene showing the Penance of St. Jerome who strikes his breast with a piece of rock in the way it is shown in the paintings by Filippo Lippi , Piero della Francesca , Lucas Cranach and Albrecht Durer . Just as in the Renaissance iconography of St. Jerome, the battenti  meditate on the Crucifix when doing penance.

function assistants - to pour wine at Spoon, apparently for reasons of disinfection. It seems to me that the reason Most fainting in the crowd was just the smell of wine podkisshego in association with blood. During the procession the ambulance to be called 130 times. Right in front of I fainted a volunteer form.

The role of the assistants is to pour water on the spugna , possibly, for disinfection. I feel that it was the smell of this sour wine associated with blood that caused some in the audience faint. During the procession the ambulance dealt with 130 + calls. An uniformed helper fainted right in front of me.

Procession battentov first passes through the medieval part of town, and then goes to his new part.
The procession of the battenti first moves through the mediaeval part of the town but then proceeds to its new parts.

Route columns battentov at some point returns to St. Sebastian. Here there is a meeting battentov and Madonna, who celebrated shot from a cannon. Battenty, like all actors kolenopreklonyayutsya. Some cry out privetsviya Madonna.

At a certain point the route comes back to St. Sebastian's church. Here the battenti meet the Madonna, which is marked with live cannon fire. The battenti as well as all the participants kneel. Some shout praises to the Virgin.

After this slender column-row starts to gradually disintegrate. The second half of the route of the procession continues no visible presence battentov - they disappear into the many lanes in the medieval part of town. Presumably, some of them returned later as porters Vary (stretcher) with a statue of the Madonna.

After this encounter the two ordered lines of the battenti start to disintegrate. The second part of the procession continues without their visible presence. The battenti quietly vanish in the numerous passages in the mediaeval part of the town. Allegedly, some would reappear at a later stage and carry the statue of the Virgin.

Herbs For Cervical Stenosis

penitential rites settenali Guardia Sanframondi (crafts)

Mysteries - very modern component of the penitential rites that take place in Guardia Sanframondi every seven years. Each of the four areas of the town creates at least a dozen "living pictures" of Tanaka, the Gospels and Church history. All this vylivatsya into a kaleidoscope of images and fine tailored costumes: Angels, demons, kings, Davids, Moses, Pharaoh, the priests, devstvenitsy, saints of all varieties, SS, dad, two of Maximilian Kolbe and two Judith Stein, the participants of Assisi peace initiatives, etc. Mystery pass route, which in Glan day is 3 miles. However, some Participants' living pictures "all the time moving backwards.

theatrical aspect of me, I confess, not too carried away. Rather - surrealism of some images, life cast during intermissions and the interaction of live pictures from the crowd of spectators. It is not without interest aspect of the holiday, which is more known for his "Medieval" forms of penance, which are discussed above.

Mysteries is a fully modern component of the penitential rites that take place in Guardia Sanframondi every seven years. Each of the four quarters of the town brings into the procession at least a dozen of scenes from the Tanak, Gospel and church history. These form a kaleidoscope of images and well made costumes: angels, demons, Kings Davids, Moseses, pharaohs, priests, virgins, saints of every kind, SS-men, popes, two Maximilians Kolbe, two Judiths Stein, the participants of the Assisi Peace initiative, etc. The mysteries move along the route of the procession, which is around two miles during the main day of the event. Some characters of the scenes have to walk backwards all the way. 

Admittedly, I was not engaged with the theatrical aspect of the show. It was rather the surrealism of some images, the life of the actors during breaks as well as the interaction between the real and staged parts of the event that I find worth mentioning when writing about the festival that is renown for its "mediaeval" expression of penance, of which I am going to say more above.   

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

I Am Physically Stronger Than My Husband

Jobson and Mary Nell

The Entertaining History of Jobson and Nell
author: anonymous
early 19th century

History Shoemaker-drinker Jobson, his wife, Nell, Parson (pastor) cook and the meat is known at least since 1790. In addition to publications, it also represents the scene. The popularity of history shows that the Staffordshire Figures Jobson and Nell made for almost a century. A pair of figures below refer to the end of the nineteenth century (after 1865 year). However, all known to me Jobson and Nellie came from a similar matrix. Square base, modeling and coloring on all sides retain the characteristics predviktorianskoy Staffordshire figurines. Bas-relief Victorian interpretation topics (such is often much more entertaining) I think does not exist. In earlier versions of the theme (1800-1825) square pedestal of marble.


Near the Sign of the Bell
Liv'd Jobson and Nell
And cobbling of Shoes was his trade
They agreed very well
The neighbors did tell
For he was a funny old blade.
But Jobson loved whiskey
Which made him so friskey
His noddle when once it got in
That frolick he must
And kick up a dust
For his customers cared not a pin.
The Parson did send
His Shoes for to mend
To take him on Sunday to Church
But Jobson he swore
He would cobble no more
Tho' the people where left in the lurch.
Poor Nell then began
To persuade her good man
The soles for to cobble once more
Quoth Jobson you elf
He may do them himself
For many he's cobbled before.
Now Sunday is come
And the Shoes are not done
Nell called Jobson a very great Sinner
By his fine frisking Airs
The folks got no Prayers
And poor Nell and he got no Dinner.
But the Parson good man
It was always his plan
To have on a sunday good cheer
Both roast Beef and pudding
With every thing good in
Besides some October strong Beer.
Then out Jobson set
In a deuce of a pet
For he liked not to fast in the least
And the Parson and he
On this point did agree
They were far better pleas'd at a feast.
To the Parson's he goes
For Jobson's good Nose
Was led by the savory smell
He caught up the roast
Tho 'tis nothing to boast
And carried it safe home to Nell.
When the Parson's old Cook
For the Meat came to look
She vow'd 'twas a shocking disaster
And thought this bad news
Would vex more than the Shoes
So in tears ran to tell her old Master.
The Parson he griev'd
As it may be believ'd
When he heard of the loss of his Beef
His haste was so great
He forgot his bald Pate
And ran out in pursuit of the Thief.
The Parson he call'd
And the Parson he bawl'd
That running so fast shook his Belly
When he reached Jobson's House
He was mute as a Mouse
He was very near turned to a Jelly.
When he found his roast Beef
It gave him relief
To think he his meal should not lose
Down together they sat
And eat both lean and fat
And forgave Jobson keeping the Shoes.


Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The Best Tattoo Boxing Gloves

Had a Little Lamb

Mary had a Little Lamb
and other Nursery Rhymes
Ernest Nister
P. Dutton
1900s (?)