Fandom: Blood +
Title: Reflections
Author: moon_lolita
Beta Reader:
Rating: G
Genre: introspective / fantasy
Warnings: none, it is pure imagination: p
Characters: Diva
Summary: "I propose a game, my friend - came up with a challenging and excitedly - show me your sincerity and that is what you say in truth, freed and travels to find a girl prettier than me and then run if you can find me here. "
Claimed at
There was a mirror, right there in front of the bed.
impressive, with gilt frame.
It is said that each mirror has a soul, just like in fairy tales.
"Mirror on the wall, tell me, who is the fairest of them all '" was not vain but he loved to fix the mirror challenging.
"But it is natural - it said - are you, my Lady."
The woman laughed.
He sat on the bed, swinging his legs like a child playing with a rag doll.
"I'm going to not believe you, you know? I always respond that way. "
watched the corner of the mirror and had a mischievous smile on his lips.
"The answer is so because the truth," replied quietly devoted and the mirror. He pulled
the arms and then legs of the doll while her continued swinging.
"but you answer it just because you've never been outside this room"
continued to pull the doll's arms with force and caprice.
"Oops, broke," she said laughing watching his arm in his hand. Threw down the doll, amused.
"I propose a game, my friend - came up with a challenging and excitedly - show me your sincerity and that what you say is true, free and travels in search of a girl prettier than me and If you can find here then run from me. "
" But my lady - said the mirror - is a completely useless research, some of you more beautiful ... "
" Shut up! "- the sudden stop.
The spirit of the mirror fell silent and ceased to shine; began to travel in search of a girl that he surpassed his wife with a flourish. He was afraid a little 'lady's reaction in case of a successful company but his honesty prevented him from not satisfy that whim.
traveled from a reflection to another, crossing swamps, mirrors, rivers, lakes, anything that would reflect the image of women and girls, I saw many nobles, serves girls from the soul pure, but none of this had appeared to him most beautiful of his capricious mistress.
was about to give up when it happened by accident in the house of a woman who looked so impressive to his lady in the likeness yet failed to see the spirit in the face of a maiden purity, sweetness and a freshness that had never seen and that made it so different from the lady.
watched the girl for days and makes gestures in common with extreme simplicity, he felt a kind of envy when he saw the girl look at the fellow who sat in front while he was holding a cello, and left to vibrate the strings of the instrument that creates a sweet and sad melody, the girl smiled with joy and ease. The
was beautiful, more than anyone else.
Immediately he regretted what he had just thought up and ran away from that girl, from crimson eyes and that smile.
He returned to his reality and the whims of his wife trying fear and confusion, he kept thinking of that girl and her beauty.
"Mirror mirror on the wall, then tell me who is the fairest of them all?" Said the lady entered the room, already sure of the answer that he would have heard.
The mirror was silent, he felt fear, its safety was stumbling now that his wife was not the most beautiful in his eyes.
"I asked - he raised his voice - who is the prettiest?"
spirit took courage.
"I'm sorry my lady but now I could see the outside world and learn more about the human being with regret I must say that you are not the best."
Furious but almost excited by this news, the lady came up with arrogance to it.
"Well, where is she? - Asked slyly mixed with ferocity - bring her here. I'll have to kill her, it seems obvious, does not believe "the woman's voice betrayed a desire to mirror the cruelty that had never heard.
"I can not my wife - as the voice of the mirror was broken by terror and held back tears - I'm sorry to betray your trust but that woman must live, can not be I am responsible for her death, I just can not kill the soul so white and pure, I do not ... "
" soul you said - struck with violence and fury of the mirror - and tell me, you know what a soul? "
" The soul is the thing that makes alive, my lady, and that's what you unfortunately you did not - said the mirror - you hit, hurt and get everything you want without giving anything to those around you, and defending yourself behind the anger, hatred and your endless tantrums because they do not know how to live happy with yourself and with others, yet there it takes so little, so make you have a soul ... "The mirror
stopped talking, the hand of the woman now crossed the broken mirror and tighten up a little glow.
"And tell me, dear my mirror, perhaps this is the soul?"
The spirit was silent, overcome with grief.
"It hurts, does not it? - She went on - then you need to have a soul if it is to suffer? "
With that little voice that said, still able to utter a few words.
"Happy ... To be happy. "
The woman shook the glow in his hand even tighter.
Everything was quiet. The mirror now shone more brightly out of the frame and a red liquid dripped blood.
was not used to dream and so meno a farsi turbare o rendere di mal'umore per essi. Alzò la testa e fissò il grande specchio che aveva davanti a se.
Una bambola di pezza giaceva a terra, abbandona e con un braccio strappato.
Si alzò dal letto e si avvicinò allo specchio. Un bagliore comparve per sparire in un istante.
Diva si specchiò e nel riflesso non vide se stessa, ma il suo stesso volto con occhi rossi e un sorriso gioioso sulle labbra.
Si allontanò immediatamente da esso, in collera, lasciando dietro di se migliaia di piccoli frammenti argentati mentre usciva dalla stanza.